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Hugh Newton

Our Three Kings and their Followers

All our Kings have their own group of supporters.

Our Crumbling King and his Gang of Followers

Our Crumbling King leads his ragged band of followers.

He is served by our Dummy: our low-level Magician who cannot think clearly or work out how to get his King out of his Crumbling mess.

He brings on our Pushover, our too-little Warrior who procrastinates endlessly, repeatedly abandons his boundaries and work, and cannot complete his projects.

He falls into our Lonely Lover, who isolates, hides and struggles socially.

As you can imagine, this combination of our Crumbling King and his followers is painful and leads to a life of struggle.

In addition, with such a robust following, our Crumbling King has a firm depressive grip on our throne and is particularly difficult to escape from. 


Our Tyrant King and his Gang of Followers

When our Tyrant King steps onto our throne, his aggressive followers step forward with him.

Our Tyrant King and all his followers have similar characteristics. They all model forcefully

serving ourselves first, often to the detriment of those around us.

Our Tyrant King has a close ally in our Too-Much Magician: the Manipulator. This part of us

tries to scheme, plan, and play with the truth to get around others and manipulate our Tyrant

into positions of power and influence.

Whereas our Crumbling King suffers from the inwards-attacking aspect of the Predator: the

Self-Critic, the Tyrant does not attack himself, but rather attacks others. He uses our Predator to

undermine, to sniff out weakness, and to gain advantage in a devious, dark, underhand way.

Of course, a significant ally of our Tyrant is our Too-Much Warrior: our Bully. While our

Tyrant seeks to dominate the whole Kingdom, he employs his Bully to aggress, hurt, and

control small groups or individuals.

Last, he gives our Too-Much Lover permission to step into action. This part is licensed to

drink and drug, have endless promiscuous sex, have affairs and get whatever satisfaction he

wants, however he wants to do it, regardless of the risk or the cost to others.

We see a lot of Tyrant Kings in our world, at the top of countries and organisations. They

seem strong, but their rule is on a knife edge, and eventually they burn down what they

have created so that their world goes up in flames.


Our Heart King and his Followers

Ultimately, the aim of The Sovereign’s Journey is to make sure that all parts of us follow our true Sovereign. But until our Heart King has individually got to know each part and made terms with them, they follow our early childhood socialisation and conditioning.

Saying that, our Heart King does have his own particular followers. His Clever Magician is

his wise supporter and ally. His Magician seeks to support him so he knows the truth about

his world and can make the most of himself.

His capable, grounded Warrior supports his King by making his King’s dreams, hopes and

vision concrete and tangible.

His connected and passionate Lover enjoys the fruits of the beautiful Kingdom his King creates

and leads. He ensures that all his King’s relationships are beautiful and supportive so that

love flows through the hearts of all in our Kingdom.

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